Glutathione "Bad News" and Riboceine Science Explained
THE GLUTATHIONE HISTORY, FUNCTIONS AND "BAD NEWS" Glutathione was first discovered in 1888 by J. de Rey-Pailhade who named lt philothione meaning love or sulfur. Shortly after, this small tripeptide molecule ( y-glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine ) was found to have such a ubiquitous and versatile functions as to be deemed so important to be considered coincident with the "origin of life". The name glutathione was first given by Sir Fredrick Gowland Hopkins (1861-1947) in a work that earned him a Nobel Prize in 1929 1 , 2. The chemical formula of glutathione which is shortened as GSH, is C 10 H 17 N 3 O 6 S and it contains three amino acids, glutamic acid, glycine and cysteine. Cysteine is the rate-limiting substrate in the synthesis of glutathione. This cysteine is found in animal tissues such as beef muscles, liver, fish skeletal muscles, fresh egg white, etc. However, cysteine is found to be highly unstable and easliy oxidizable when ingested...