Glutathione "Bad News" and Riboceine Science Explained


Glutathione was first discovered in 1888 by J. de Rey-Pailhade  who named lt philothione meaning love or sulfur. Shortly after, this small tripeptide molecule (y-glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine) was found to have such a ubiquitous and versatile functions as to be deemed so important to be considered coincident with the "origin of life". 

The name glutathione was first given by Sir Fredrick Gowland Hopkins (1861-1947) in a work that earned him a Nobel Prize in 1929 1, 2. 
The chemical formula of glutathione which is shortened as GSH, is  C10H17N3O6S and it contains three amino acids, glutamic acid, glycine and cysteine. 

Cysteine is the rate-limiting substrate in the synthesis of glutathione. This cysteine is found in animal tissues such as beef muscles, liver, fish skeletal muscles, fresh egg white, etc. However, cysteine is found to be highly unstable and easliy oxidizable when ingested in any of the form. Cysteine confers the sulfhydryl group to glutathione which is responsible for most of the redox functions of glutathione. Unfortunately also, this confers the same instability to glutathione (GSH) and so its oral ingestion is not recommended if it is not coated to escape degradation by the gastro-intestinal enzymes.

About thirty functions have been ascribed to glutathione in the recent articles. A little reminder about our body cells and tissues will help guide us into the functions of glutathione.

Studies have shown that a human body has an average of 37.2 trillion cells and billions of these new cells are formed everyday to replace the old dying ones. A cell is the smallest unit or part of the body. A collection of similar cells form a tissue and tissues form an organ and organs form a system. A human body consists of different systems such as the respiratory, gastro-intestinal, urinary, reproductive nervous and other systems 3

The vitality and agility of every human body therefore is a function of the cellular health of that individual. If your cells are healthy, your entire body will be healthy. But if your cells are not healthy, your entire body suffers the ill-health.

If the dying cells are replaced by diseased cells, the body begins to undergo gradual degenerative process, accelerated cell death and invariably, shortened lifespan.
But when the aged, dying cells are replaced by new healthy cells, the body maintains high vitality, re-invigoration, agility and ability to heal itself.

To achieve and maintain this optimal health, the body has different innate mechanisms. One of the most important of such mechanisms is the role of the endogenously produced glutathione (GSH).

Glutathione, rated as "the mother of all antioxidants" is synthesized and utilized within the cells of the body.
Its multiple roles in the health and well-being of our body systems included but not exhaustive. 

  • the most powerful, most abundant endogenously produced antioxidant and the master sequestering agent of free radicals;
  • the only antioxidant that recycles itself after it has neutralized a free radical;
  • the molecule that recycles other exogenously ingested antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E and alpha lipoic acid after they have been utilized;
  • the agent that maintains healthy oxidant-reductant levels of the cells (cellular redox homeostasis);
  • its anti-aging;
  • it  helps to reduce haemoglobin so it can accept oxygen and transport it to cells;
  • a major immune system booster;
  • a main protector of the DNA from mutation and other injuries in the cellular nucleus;
  • it protects the mitochondrial structure of any cell;
  • it is the first line of protection against environmental and chemical toxins;
  • a major sequester agent of heavy metals such as mercury.

Some of the roles of glutathione in fighting diseases can also be seen here

There are over 140,000 scientific articles on glutathione  in PubMed alone!


1. Glutathione levels in the body begin to drop due to certain factors such as poor nutrition, environmental toxins and pollutants, stress, medications, diseases and of cause, aging.
This decline in the glutathione level begins from the 2nd decade of life and continues as we age.

2. Once this decline commences, the ability to restore the glutathione level back to optimum becomes increasingly more difficult. 

"Restoring the bodily levels of glutathione involved certain scientific challenges because of the chemical subtleties and technicalities presented by the amino acids involved in its synthesis, which synthesis process can only take place intracellularly. Glutathione is synthesized within every cell of the body." .. Dr. Albert B. Crum

Ingestion of oral glutathione confers little or no remedies as most of such are denatured by the gastro-intestinal enzymes and liver first pass mechanisms. 

Though the level of glutathione is a function of cellular synthesis and utilization and not on exogenous sources, its substrates, glutamic acid, glycine and cysteine depend on external sources such as foods and supplements. Glutamic acid and glycine are readily available but cysteine is so unstable and as such, is regarded as the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of glutathione. 

And again, the sufhydril group in the side chain of cysteine is both responsible for the instability of cysteine as well as for the anti-oxidant property of glutathione.
So if cysteine can be adequately made available to the cells, in conjunction with the other two readily available substrates, the body can synthesize optimal levels of glutathione. 

But this is where the challenge is... cysteine is so unstable that most of the ingested volumes are oxidized by the gastro-intestinal system. 

3. The 3rd bad news about Glutathione is that its decline or low level has been associated with over 74 degenerative diseases. This implies that once one can optimize his body glutathione levels and overcome the decline, there is a high chance of escaping these degenerative diseases.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Some of the diseases associated with low glutathione levels are as in the table below 11

Some of the diseases like sickle cell, infective condtions like Hepatitis B and C or hereditory condition like bronchial asthma rather  have worsened outcome under depleted glutathione levels where as optimal GSH level can reduce their symptoms and cellular injuries 11


Riboceine came to the rescue, solving the major challenge in glutathione synthesis...the adequate supply of cysteine intracellularly!
How can L-cysteine be taken orally without encountering oxidative degradation by the intestinal enzymes?

Riboceine is twenty-five years of research work, of twenty peer-reviewed articles, thirty-eight Patents and Patents pending, the most advanced glutathione technology as the time of this article and its proven to be about 300% more effective in raising intracellular glutathione levels than the next best alternative (N-Acetyl Cysteine).

Riboceine was a 25-year creation of Professor Herbert T. Nagasawa, a Japanese American and his team where D-ribose sugar was reacted with L-cysteine linking it at its sulfhydryl side chain and conferring it a stability that enables it to escape oxidative breakdown in the gut and so allowing cysteine to be massively absorbed into the cells for glutathione denovo synthesis. This process eliminates the cysteine rate-limiting step in unimpaired glutathione intra-cellular production.

These PDF documents carry links to many independent works done on Riboceine: 12 and 13.

Just a little Google search will will intimidate you with the profiles of the leading researcher, Herbert T. Nagasawa but the print below will give you a little clue: 

Riboceine is a patent product of Max International with the exclusive right to market it world-wide.
Riboceine is distributed exclusively by Max in the form of Cellgevity,MaxATP and MaxOne.
Cellgevity contains Riboceine and fortified by twelve other ingredients as shown below: 
 MaxATP is marketed as the Riboceine Fuel for energy.
These are internationally sought for with full Halal and Banned Substance Control Group (BSCG) certification as well as approval by the government regulatory bodies of each country of registration.


Bearing in mind that glutathione level starts  going down from the age of twenty and that its low level is associated with over 74 diseases, accelerated aging, impaired ability to suppress inflammatory conditions, boost immunity, reduce oxidative stress and mitigate the effects of infectious and hereditory conditions; Cellgevity and MaxATP should be for everybody with the exception of the following:

1. Pregnant women and children in who no clinical trials were performed as a matter of ethics.
2. Every healthy young adult below the age of 20 years as their glutathione levels are still optimal

MaxOne which is a pure brand of Riboceine (unlike Cellgevity which has 12 other supplement extracts) may be recommended for very ill pregnant women and diseased children  like in Sickle cell crisis, severe asthmatic attacks, debilitating ailments, autism, cerebral palsies etc; where the gain outweighs the risk..


Firstly, visiting Max International site will help you to have a general understanding of the company behind the product and the opportunity.  So click >> HERE

Secondly, if you want to know how to access the products from anywhere in the world, or you want to be part of Max Opportunity, simply contact us via this email address >>> Email Here, or call/send WhatsApp message to +2347058722740.

A different article addressing in details, the Max Opportunity will soon be published and the link will be dropped here.

This article, though with a conflict of interest because it was written by Max International Independent Associates, is well researched and References are in the form of the red highlighted areas in the colunm as well as the numbers 1 to 13 (Click them to open to the reference sites).
